
A box containing information and images, in postcard form, of work by students from Dorothea Prühl’s class at Burg Giebichenstein, University of Applied Art and Design Halle in Germany. Includes 16 postcards in total, with work by artists including Rudolf Kocéa, Vera Siemund, Beate Klockmann, Antje Bräuer, Karola Torkos, Kathleen Fink, Christine Matthias, Sybille Richter and Ann Schmalwasser.

With contributions from Dorothea Prühl, Andrea Wippermann and Arno Friedrich.

Extra informatie

Gewicht 140 g
SKU book-burg-giebichenstein-postcards Categories ,

3 pages of text, 16 postcards, full colour
German and English
Dimensions (box and postcards): 12.8 x 18.5 cm
Published by Burg Giebichenstein Hochschule für Kunst und Design Halle
