
In 2011 Tore Svensson started a series of brooches, portraits of friends, colleagues and family inspired by a late 19th century photograph of his grandparents. Portraits No. 2 is a record of the second series of brooches, this time capturing the faces of people connected to the world of jewellery: artists, gallery owners, collectors and writers.

Svensson invited five of these ‘faces’ to contribute a short text to the book: Marie-José van den Hout, Love Jönsson, Jorunn Veiteberg, Karl Bollmann and Jivan Astfalck.

Extra informatie

Gewicht 175 g
SKU book-portraits-2-svensson Categories ,

75 pages, full colour
Dimensions: 12 x 15 cm
Publisher: Konstepidemins förlag/Konstepidemin Publishing House, with support from Estrid Ericson Stiftelse
ISBN: 978-91-983006-4-2
